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Workshop B


You can define functions in JavaScript like this:

function double(number) {
    return number * 2

You can also define an arrow function, which is the exact same thing with different syntax:

const double = number => {
    return number * 2
// "const" is how you define a constant variable in JavaScript, meaning it can't change. 
// So here, we're assigning a function to the variable "double". 
// But it's the same as the "function" syntax above; they're interchangeable. 
// "let" allows you to define a variable that can be changed later, not constant. 
// "var" has been replaced by "let" and "const" and shouldn't be used anymore. 

One fun trick about arrow functions is that, if you don't add the {curly braces}, they automatically return the expression. So you can write a concise one-line function if it makes sense for your function:

const double = number => number * 2
// Notice the lack of curly braces and lack of "return"! 
// "number * 2" is simply returned automatically. 


What is React?

React is a library for building user interfaces using JavaScript.

JavaScript is the language, like C++. React is a layer on top of JavaScript that helps you build user interfaces for apps. You don't have to use it to build a user interface (you can build one in JavaScript without any library on top of it), but many people and companies use React to simplify the process.

This guide is heavily influenced by the official React documentation. Disclosing this so they can't get me for academic integrity. 🫡

Anatomy of a component

Before we start going through React's features, I just want to put down the basic structure of a React component file:

// Filename: ExampleComponent.jsx
// jsx is a special version of js, or JavaScript, that's used for React

import { something } from "some-package";

// Depending on how your group does CSS styling, this will be different. 
import "./example-component.css";

// "export default" means "when another component does:
// import MyComponentName from "../path/to/ExampleComponent"
// this is what will be exported.
export default function ExampleComponent() {
    // Variables / logic go here
    return (
        <div>Component HTML goes here!</div>


React apps are made out of components. A component is a piece of the user interface that has its own appearance and logic that governs how it behaves. A component can be as small as a button, or as large as an entire page.

React components are JavaScript functions that return markup (essentially HTML):

function MyButton() {
    return (
        <button>I'm a button!</button>

Now that you've declared MyButton, you can use it in another component:

function App() {
    return (
            <MyButton />

Notice that <MyButton /> starts with a capital letter. That's how you know it's a React component. React components must always start with a capital letter, while HTML tags are lowercase (like div, p, etc).

JavaScript has two ways of declaring functions: using the function syntax shown above, or by assigning a variable (here a constant variable) to a function. It's the same thing, and you can use them interchangeably.

const MyButton = () => {
    return (
        <button>I'm a button!</button>


If you have a variable and want to insert it into your React component, you do so using {curly braces}.

function Greeting() {
    const name = "Ben"

    return (
        <p>Hello there, {name}</p>
// Renders "Hello there, Ben"

You can use any JavaScript expression in the curly braces, not just a variable.

function Greeting() {
    const name = "Ben"

    return (
        <p>Hello there, {name.toUpperCase()}</p>
// Renders "Hello there, BEN"

function RandomNumber() {
    return (
        <p>Your random number is {Math.random()}</p>
// Renders "Your random number is 0.27577077597245814"


Let's say you want to render a piece of the user interface conditionally, so sometimes it shows up and sometimes it doesn't.

To do this, we'll take advantage of the ternary operator, which is a common operator in programming languages (it's also present in C++!). It's a bit like a condensed one-line if statement. Here's a simple example of using the ternary operator:

const icyConditions = true
const carWheelsToEngage = icyConditions ? 4 : 2
// "If `icyConditions` is true, then `carWheelsToEngage` is 4. Otherwise, it's 2. 

// Another way to write this without a ternrary operator:
let carWheelsToEngage
if (icyConditions) {
    carWheelsToEngage = 4
} else {
    carWheelsToEngage = 2
// As you can see, the ternary operator is more concise. 

To use the ternary operator in React, we'll put it within {curly braces}, so React executes it as JavaScript code:

function Greeting() {
    const niceWeather = false

    return (
            <p>Good morning!</p>

            {niceWeather ? (
                <p>Nice weather, isn't it?</p>
            ) : (
                <p>Horrid weather out there, isn't it</p>

If you want to skip the else branch of the ternary operator, you can render null (nothing), like niceWeather ? <p>...</p> : null. Or you can use the && operator, which is like a ternary operator with no else:

function Greeting() {
    const niceWeather = false

    return (
            <p>Good morning!</p>

            {!niceWeather && (
                <p>Sorry about the weather!</p>


In React, loops are done with the map function that's built-in to arrays. The map function takes every item in an array and transforms it into something else. For example:

const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]
const doubleNumbers = numbers.map(function (num) {
    return num * 2
// doubleNumbers: [2, 4, 6, 8]

// Using the arrow function syntax discussed above, this is equivalent to:
// const doubleNumbers = numbers.map(num => num * 2)

For React, we want to map our array into markup (HTML), so that it shows up on the screen — going from an array of data to an "array of UI" that will get rendered on the screen.

function NumberPicker() {
    const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]

    return (
            <p>Please pick a number:</p>

            {numbers.map(num => (
                <button key={num}>{num}</button>

Notice the key on the top-most element returned by the map function. That's a unique identifier for each item in the loop, which is required so React can efficiently keep track of the items. You can pass in any expression there that uniquely identifies a row (for example, if you're looping over an array of invitations, it might be invitation.sender + invitation.recipient that uniquely identifies each row).


You can nest components within each other to reuse them in different places:

function User() {
    return (
        <p>This is where a user record would go.</p>

function HomePage() {
    return (
            <p>Look at all our users:</p>

            <User />
            <User />
            <User />

function UserPage() {
    return (
            <p>Here's one user:</p>

            <User />


Not all instances of a component should look the same. That's where we can use "props" or "properties", to pass information into the component that affects the way it looks or behaves.

function User(props) {
    return (
            {props.firstName} {props.lastName}

            {props.admin && (
                <span> (admin)</span>

function HomePage() {
    return (
            <p>Look at all our users:</p>

            <User firstName="Adam" lastName="Smith" />
            <User firstName="Bella" lastName="Jones" />
            <User firstName="Cynthia" lastName="Miller" admin={true} />

Props arrive in the component as a JavaScript "object" (in other languages, a "hash" or "map"). Naming it props is conventional, but you can name it anything.

// In the above example, this is how the "props" argument would look for the last <User />:
props = {
    firstName: "Cynthia",
    lastName: "Miller",
    admin: true

Notice that props are the same as arguments to a function. In fact, they're literally function arguments, since React components are just JavaScript functions!

Often in React we destructure the props. Destructuring is a feature of Javascript that allows us to "split open" an object into its various parts, giving them variable names. Here's the same component as above using destructuring:

// "Destructuring" the props into independent variables allows us
// to write "firstName" instead of "props.firstName". 
function User({ firstName, lastName, admin }) {
    return (
            {firstName} {lastName}

            {admin && (
                <span> (admin)</span>

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