A programming language! The only programming language that a web browser can run. It can also be used to write backend servers.
That makes it a popular choice for web apps because you can write both your frontend and backend in JavaScripโ .
A library on top of JavaScript that makes it easier to built user interfaces by introducing concepts such as state.
A central concept to React. It's a variable that's synced to the user interface that a user sees โ when the variable is updated, so is the visual component of the app.
State can be explicitly shown, like a user's name, or implicitly used, like a boolean that controls whether to show a certain thing on the screen.
A popular framework that allows you to use React in a simpler, more ergonomic way. It brings in extra features to your React app like server-side rendering and writing a backend alongside your frontend.
Prisma is a piece of software that helps you talk to your database without writing SQL (the programming language that databases speak). It's the messenger in between your app and the database.
A database. It's a NoSQL database, meaning that there's no schema or dedicated "tables" and "columns" to your database. In a table, one "row" (entry) can use one set of columns and another "row" (entry) can use another set of columns.
Both SQL databases, which means they do have a schema (a structure to the data) โ each table has a certain set of columns that yo define up front, and you cannot deviate from this schema without modifying the database's underlying schema.
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